• Lost Library Book CoverLondonderry Leader Book Club (Summer 2024)

    This summer, we are kicking off our Londonderry Leader Book Club with The Lost Library, Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass. The book tells the story of a small town library lost long ago and the little free library that springs up in the middle of town. Through the perspective of three characters, the authors take readers on a journey of discovery, where characters learn the truth about their town, the truth about their neighbors, and the truth about themselves.                                


    Sign Up to Participate

    If you are planning to participate in this summer's book read, we ask that you sign up HERE. Following sign up, you will receive an email with access to our additional materials to support you as you read together at home, including read alouds from some Londonderry staff members! The only way to access that site is to sign up and verify your participation with the book at home.

    Virtual Book Club Meetings

    We will be holding two virtual book club meetings this summer. The first virtual meeting will be held on July 18, 2024, from 5:00 - 6:00 on Zoom. The link will be posted here and sent to registered participants the week of the meeting. We will be discussing Chapters 1-20 at the first meeting.

    July 18th Zoom Link (https://ldsd-org.zoom.us/j/7269818644?pwd=ZU1yTHh4N0trbDRnYkxMZlpxMzZ2dz09)

    We will be announcing our second virtual book club date and time at the conclusion of the first meeting. The second meeting will cover Chapters 21-40. 

    Home Reading Guide

    There is a reading guide linked below. This reading guide is intended to support you as you read at home with your child. It is adapted from Scholastic's guide for the book, and includes prompts before, during, and after reading.

    The Lost Library Home Reading Guide