• Lower Dauphin School-Parent Compact


    We value your role in working to help your child achieve high academic standards. The following is an outline of some of the ways you and school staff can build and maintain a partnership to share the responsibility for supporting your child’s learning.

    School’s Responsibility

    • Provide high quality curriculum and learning materials.
    • Provide you with assistance in understanding academic achievement standards and assessments and how to monitor your child’s progress.
    • Provide opportunities for ongoing communication between you and teachers through, at a minimum:
      • Annual parent-teacher conferences
      • Frequent reports regarding your child’s progress, and
      • Opportunities to talk with staff, volunteer in class and observe classroom activities.

    Parent’s Responsibility

    • Encourage your child to attend school regularly
    • Encourage your child to show positive school behavior
    • Review your child’s homework
    • Monitor television watching and encourage positive use of your child’s extracurricular time
    • Volunteer in you child’s school and classroom if time or schedule permits
    • Attend parent-teacher conferences and participate, when appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of your child.

    Thank you for your support and involvement in your child’s education. Please contact your child’s building principal for more information.




Last Modified on July 5, 2018