    Need Help Studying for Spelling Tests?!?!
    You may choose any of the following activities to help you study your spelling words

    1. Write or type your words three times each.

    2. Write all of your words using two colors to show the spelling pattern

    Example: rock sock clock. Make it fun by using seasonal colors

    3. Type your words into a word search on www.puzzlemaker.com . Solve your word search

    4. Write the words and tell a synonym for each word.

    5. Write the words and tell an antonym for each word.

    6. Cut the words out of magazines and make a collage.

    7. ABC/ZYX Order Example: ABC order: boy, cat, mouse, rabbit ZYX order: rabbit, mouse, cat, boy

    8. Have an adult make a practice spelling test for you. Complete the test and have your adult grade and sign it.

    9. Build a word (build all of your spelling words). (10pts) example: - c



    10. Write sentences using the words. Each sentence should have 5 words or more.

    11. Type all of your words on: www.handwritingworksheets.com . Copy each of your words on the handwriting paper form

    12. Write a story using at least 10 of your spelling words. It should be a story that has a beginning, middle, and end. Your story should fill up more than half of a page.

    **13. Secret Code words. Write the spelling word, give a number value to each letter in the word (the value is determined by the order of the letter in the alpha-bet), then add up the numbers. Example: step one: toy, step two: t=20 o=15 y=25, step three: 20+15+25=60

    14. Write each spelling word, the definition, and the guidewords where you found each word in the dictionary.