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Singleton Courses

Singleton Courses are for students interested in a hybrid learning experience. This means that they are a full time in-the-classroom student with supplemental online learning classes. Singleton Courses are courses that may or may not be offered by Lower Dauphin School District but will be completed in an online setting.
Application for Singleton Courses: 
Word Document: (this form may be completed electronically and emailed to and cc:
PDF: (this form may be printed, filled out and submitted in person to the main high school office)

Singleton courses are offered for students to take in addition to their daily class schedule.  The costs associated with a singleton class are below. If your student needs the class to meet a graduation requirement, the cost may be covered : 

$150.00 per part
1 semester (half year) = 2 parts = $300.00
2 semesters (year long) = 4 parts = $600.00