First Grade STEM
Lower Dauphin School District
Curriculum Guide
Subject: STEM Grade Level(s): First
Synopsis of Curriculum
The STEM curriculum for First grade is divided into five general areas: Air and Weather; Plants and Animals; Waves, Light and Sound; Engineering Design; and, Coding. First grade students will learn what is the universe and what is the earth’s place in it, patterns within the moon-earth-sun system, how organisms external structures help them survive grow and meet their needs, and how individuals of the same species have different characteristics. First grade students will learn how to explain the structures, properties and interactions of matter, how waves transfer energy and how to predict the interactions between objects. First grade students will also learn how you find a simple problem and a solution and how to improve upon that solution. First grade students will be introduced to coding and how computer science is a foundational skill for all students.
Units of Study Titles