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Word Certification

 Lower Dauphin School District

Curriculum Guide

Course Title: Word Certification
Subject: Business Grade Level(s): 9-12

Synopsis of Curriculum

This course is a hands-on class where students will get a comprehensive study of Microsoft Word. Topics will range from basic applications to intermediate and advanced features including working with section breaks, applying styles and themes, creating tables, and using templates. Microsoft Certified Application Specialist test and software will be used throughout the course.


Units of Study Titles

Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with a Picture

Creating a Research Paper with References and Sources

Creating a Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table

Creating a Document with a Title Page, Lists, and a Watermark

Using a Template to Create a Resume and Sharing a Finished Document

Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and a Directory

Creating a Newsletter with Pull-Quotes and Graphics

Using Document Collaboration, Integration, and Charting Tools

Creating a Template for an Online Form

Word Test Training/MOS Certification Exam