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French I

Lower Dauphin School District

Curriculum Guide

Course Title: French I
Subject: French
Grade Level(s): 8-12

Synopsis of Curriculum

Students will learn where in the world French is spoken and they will be able to identify these countries on a map. Students will learn how to introduce themselves to friends and adults and give information about themselves.  They will learn to ask basic questions and carry on a conversation. Students will be able to ask what time is it and what time activities take place, they will be able to say what the day, date and weather is. Students will be able to order some items in a French café. Students will be able to pay for items in a café and ask to borrow money if they do not have enough. Students will be able to conjugate avoir, faire and être and use some idiomatic expressions that go along with each verb.  Students will be able to conjugate regular –er,-ir and –re verbs.


Units of Study Titles

Le monde francophone, Faisons connaissance

La vie courante

De jour en jour

Le monde personnel et familier

Les verbes –ir/-re