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Honors Analysis

Lower Dauphin School District

Curriculum Guide

Course Title: Honors Analysis
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level(s): 10-12

Synopsis of Curriculum

This course will address the following topics: radical and real expressions; linear and quadratic functions and their inverses; roots of polynomial functions; complex numbers; logarithmic and exponential functions; trigonometric functions, equations, and graphs; trigonometric identities and inverses; systems of equations and inequalities, and selected topics in sequences, series; probability and statistics. Students are required to have a graphing calculator for this course.

Units of Study

Unit R(Review) — Topics from Algebra

Unit 1 - Functions and Graphs

Unit 2—Polynomial and Rational Functions

Unit 3—Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Unit 4A—Introduction to Trigonometry

Unit 4B-  Trigonometric Graphs

Unit 5—Analytic Trigonometry

Unit 6—Applications of Trigonometry

Unit 7—Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Unit 9—Sequences, Series, Probability and Statistics