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                                                                                                                             Grade:  9-12

Unit Name-Integrated STEM

Pacing:  90 days


Essential Question: How can two or more content areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) be combined to solve a problem, improve a product, and/or develop a new product using the Engineering Design Process?



Content/Key Concepts

Standards (NGSS & PA Career)

Key Vocabulary

 Learning Activities/Resources

Learning Evidence

What is the Engineering Design Process?


How can the engineering design process be applied in a design challenge?


How can multiple content areas be applied to a project to create the desired outcome?


13.4.11.B.- Analyze entrepreneurship as it relates to personal character traits


3.8.12.B. Apply the use of ingenuity and technological resources to solve specific societal needs and improve the quality of life.

• Apply appropriate tools, materials and processes to solve complex problems.

• Use knowledge of human abilities to design or modify technologies that extend and enhance human abilities.

• Apply appropriate tools, materials and processes to physical, informational or biotechnological systems to identify and recommend solutions to international problems.

• apply knowledge of agricultural science to develop a solution that will improve on a human need or want.


3.6.12.B. Analyze knowledge of information technologies of processes encoding, transmitting, receiving, storing, retrieving and decoding.

• Apply and analyze advanced information techniques to produce a complex image that effectively conveys a message (e.g., desktop publishing, audio and/or video production).

• Analyze and evaluate a message designed and produced using still, motion and animated communication techniques.

• Describe the operation of fiber optic, microwave and satellite informational systems.

• Apply various graphic and electronic information techniques to solve real world problems (e.g., data organization and analysis, forecasting, interpolation).


Students choose one or more of these standards for their projects


3.6.12.C. Analyze physical technologies of structural design, analysis and engineering, personnel relations, financial affairs, structural production, marketing, research and design to real world problems.

• Apply knowledge of construction technology by designing, planning and applying all the necessary resources to successfully solve a construction problem.

• Compare resource options in solving a specific manufacturing problem.

• Analyze and apply complex skills needed to process materials in complex manufacturing enterprises.

• Apply advanced information collection and communication techniques to successfully convey solutions to specific construction problems.

• Assess the importance of capital on specific construction applications.

• Analyze the positive and negative qualities of several different types of materials as they would relate to specific construction applications.

• Analyze transportation technologies of propelling, structuring, suspending, guiding, controlling and


• Analyze the concepts of vehicular propulsion, guidance, control, suspension and structural systems

while designing and producing specific complex transportation systems.














critical thinking







Individual or Group Projects that address a personal goal or meet competition criteria



Google Website


Competition Outcomes