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Engineering CAD

Lower Dauphin School District


Curriculum Guide


Course Title: Engineering CAD                                    Subject: Technology Education                       Grade Level(s): 9-12


Synopsis of Curriculum

Engineering CAD focuses on 3D software design for applications in engineering design and manufacturing. This is a good course for students who are interested in engineering, manufacturing, and/or related fields. Students taking Engineering CAD will be introduced to 3D design using advanced 3D modeling and visualization technologies such as SolidWorks, AutoCAD, and Google Sketch-up. Students will be introduced to the idea of creating 3D models that are suitable for 3D printing, and will learn about the different models and drawing specifications that are required by the different manufacturing technologies available today.


Eleventh- and twelfth-grade students can receive college credit for this course through HACC’s “College in the High School” program, or take this course as a high school elective. Should students choose to participate in “College in the High School,” these 3 credits may be transferred to other colleges and universities.


Units of Study Titles

Unit 1 CAD Basic Commands 

Unit 2 Orthographic Projection 

Unit 3 Introduction to 3D CAD & Basic Tools 

Unit 4 3D Printing 

Unit 5 Assemblies & Exploded Views 

Unit 6 Appearance and Rendering 

Unit 7 Animation and Testing