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Technology Education 7/8

Lower Dauphin School District

Curriculum Guide

Course Title: 7th/8th grade Technology Education
Subject: Technology Education
Grade Level(s):7/8

Synopsis of Curriculum

Learning by Design is a 45 day activity-based experience that expands upon what they learned in 6th grade by exploring measurement, woodworking, problem solving and design challenges, simple and complex machines, robotics, and sketching.

Units of Study Titles

Safety & Expectations


Wood Creation

Problem Solving & Design



Synopsis of Curriculum

Computer Applications 7/8 is a 45 day activity-based experience that expands upon what they learned in 6th grade by exploring computer coding, website design, robotic programming, 3D modeling, and video editing.

Units of Study Titles

Computer Coding

Website Design

Robotic Programming

3D Modeling

Video Editing