• Mr. Smink's STEM class!

    My name is Mr. Smink. I’ve been a science teacher for 12 years in both North Carolina and Missouri. This is my first time teaching in PA. I enjoy hiking, mt. biking and playing guitar. I look forward to teaching STEM this year and engaging all my students in fun and exciting lessons!

    Middle School STEM

    Instructor:  Jon Smink

    Email: jsmink@ldsd.org


    Students are provided an opportunity to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through building challenges, career exploration, coding, and entrepreneurship activities and projects. Habits of mind and STEM career identity are the goals of this course. Integrated STEM is an emerging field and is different from learning content in isolation. In this course, students are expected to combine at least two of the content areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to solve a problem, improve a product, and/or develop a new product. Students may elect to take a STEM course in high school and choose an independent project, enter individual/team competitions, or learn a new skill of choice (Drones piloting, 3D printing, Raspberry pi, Cricut, coding, design, etc.-new technology added every year!)


    Rules and Procedures

    1. All school rules are enforced
    2. Demonstrate respect for yourself, the classroom, teachers, classmates, and resources.
    3. Wait at the door if you arrive early to class. Do not knock and disrupt the previous class or the teacher.
    4. Use your agenda book as your pass to go anywhere. It must be filled in before handing it to the teacher.
    5. Return all supplies to their designated place and tidy your work area every day.
    6. Push in your chair when you leave class.

    Daily Requirements 

    Students are expected to be prepared for class and are required to bring the following every day:

    1. Charged laptop
    2. STEM notebook
    3. A growth-mindset
    4. Pencil

    Course Expectations

    1. Students are expected to participate in class discussions, activities, and labs. 
    2. Students are expected to complete all assignments by the due date. 
    3. Any assignment not received on the due date will earn an incomplete in the grade book.  If the student does not make arrangements with me to make up the work, it will become a zero at the end of the marking period. 
    4. Students must check Canvas and see me for assignments after an absence. It is the student's responsibility to seek out work during absences.  
    5. Students are expected to be in class on time. Students must have a pass to be in the hallway between classes. 


    Students will be assessed via formative and summative assessments. Students are expected to be engaged and work on STEM assignments in class. Students 
    receive formative feedback (stickers, stamps, verbal, etc.) throughout the course.
    Summative assessments include vocabulary quizzes, online assignments, and project packets. By staying on-task and completing assignments in class, the design of STEM
    class requires minimal homework
    . However, there are three vocabulary quizzes planned.
    All assignments are the average of points earned/points possible. The following scale is used to determine grades:
    F=59 and below


    • Sign up to receive text message notifications in Canvas. 
    • Assignment due dates are posted in the classroom and on the “PowerSchool” online grade book.  Please use it for your current grade.