• Welcome to Mrs. Streckewald's Second Grade Classroom!


    Mrs. Streckewald peeking around a classroom door 


     Looking for ways to help?  Volunteer in our classroom or check out our Amazon Wish List!


    Important Information:

    Email me or message me on DOJO with any questions.  I will get back to you as quickly as I can.  
    How to Reach Me:
    South Hanover Elementary:  717-566-2564  
    Looking for a fun way to read with your child?  Go to raz-kids.com.  My classroom username is kstreckewald.  Log in to give your child a chance to read and listen to a variety of fun and engaging books on their reading level.  

    Everyone that you will ever meet knows something that you don't.

    ~Bill Nye (The Science Guy)