    Transportation Services in the Lower Dauphin School District are currently provided by an independent contractor, Rohrer Bus Services Inc. of Duncannon.

    We currently have 35 school bus routes and 27 van routes and last year our transportation department logged over 1 million miles.

    We provide services to over 20 private schools, 2 charter schools, 20 specialty schools and 5 different public schools all with different calendars and start and dismissal times.

    In addition to our regular Lower Dauphin bus and van routes, we transport to five additional public schools, more than 20 private schools, two charter schools, 28 specialty schools including seven early intervention locations for 3-5 yr. olds. All of these school have different school calendars with various start and dismissal time which must be accommodated.

    For more information about transportation services in the Lower Dauphin School District, please contact the Lower Dauphin School District transportation office at ldsdtrans@ldsd.org or by phone at 717-566-5340.