• Bonjour et Bienvenue!
    eiffel picture
    Je m'appelle Madame Klein et Je suis professeur de français.
    French is a world language and is part of the foreign language department here at the Middle School.
    Five levels of French are offered in Lower Dauphin:
    • French I
    • French II
    • French III
    • French IV
    • French V
    French I and II are weighted as college prep and French III, IV and V are weighted as honors courses.
    A final average of 75% is required in the previous year to continue on to levels II, III, IV and V.
    French students have the opportunity to participate in the French Honor Society.
    Every two years I lead a trip to France. If you have questions about previous trips, or you are interested in having your child travel with me, please let me know.
    Mrs. Klein
    French teacher
    Phone: 566-5330  Ext. 2085
     The Eiffel Tower- Clip Art Image