• Lower Dauphin Elementary Core Curriculum

    Please visit our grade level pages to learn more specific information. The following is an overview of the Lower Dauphin School District’s K-5 curriculum. 

     English/Language Arts

    A rigorous and integrated Language Arts program which includes reading, writing, speaking and listening is essential to ensure our students’ college and career readiness.  All Lower Dauphin students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade receive daily English/Language Arts instruction which is aligned with the Pennsylvania Core Standards. Students are taught to successfully read and comprehend both Literature and Informational text and to use the traits of Focus, Content, Organization, Style and Conventions to strengthen their writing of those texts. Additionally, the skills and strategies of reading, writing, speaking and listening are consistently incorporated into all other curricular areas. 


    Our elementary math curriculum is fully aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards. Instruction is focused on mastery of grade level content as well as development of mathematical practices, including:

    • Making sense of problems and persevering at solving them, 
    • Constructing viable arguments, 
    • Reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, 
    • Using tools strategically, 
    • Looking for and making use of structure, 
    • Looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning, and 
    • Attending to precision.  

    Throughout the curriculum, instruction is focused on the standard areas of Numbers and Operations, Numbers and Operations - Fractions, Geometry, Measurement Data and Probability, and Algebraic Concepts.