The internet has changed the way our students see the world.  While we encourage devices for student creation, creativity, and research, students can often stumble upon apps and sites that could result in exposure to inappropriate material, cyberbullying, or unintentional sharing of personal information.  Use the links and resources below to help guide conversations with you and your child as you navigate through the online world. 


    Resources from


    Staying Safe on Social Media 


    Suggested Family Internet Use Contract 


    What is cyberbullying? 

    Teen Talk on Cyberbullying: Video


    Resources for Parents 

    Tips, warning signs, and prevention 


    Smart Social: App Guide

    Smart social provides a detailed explanation of popular social media apps that  are then ranked into “zones.” The zones include: 

    • Green: A good starting place for students
    • Gray: The “Family Zone,” parents should participate in apps to keep students safe, as they are “intense for messaging”; some below-the-surface negatives are found 
    • Red: considered NOT safe for tweens/teens; openly inappropriate or unmoderated content; include several anonymous apps and include social media challenges 
    • Orange: dangerous social media challenges; encourage dangerous activities 


    Social Media Age Restrictions (parentinfo.org) 

    Most popular social media services don’t allow anyone under age 13 to join.  However, a lot of younger children manage to set up accounts. The 13+ limit is due to US Privacy laws, not age appropriateness.  To discourage your child from using social media, talk about it before they create an account: find out why they signed up and explain your concerns.  

    Use this link to learn more about reporting/deleting underage accounts.  


    Setting Parental Controls: