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Falcon Volunteer Code of Conduct


  • Please wear your visitor badge at all times while volunteering.
  • Remember to check in and out of the office each time you enter or leave the building.

  • We expect that you will follow building rules in place for all staff, including school appropriate dress code. We recommend you not bring in food due to student allergies. Tobacco use or possession is not permitted on school property.

  • Under no circumstances should you administer medication to a child. All medications are given under supervision/direction of nursing staff.

  • Cell phones are permitted in the buildings but we recommend they are turned to silent as to not interfere with instruction in the classrooms.

  • No child should leave the school before the teacher has dismissed the class unless prior arrangements have been made (i.e. doctor appointment, etc.).

  • The individual classroom teachers schedule volunteers for their classroom. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your child's teacher. Additionally, please call or email the teacher if there is a schedule change.

  • If you have any questions/concerns, speak to the classroom teacher to solve the problem in an efficient and professional manner. Discovery or concerns of possible physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect should be shared with a building administrator immediately.

  • Please respect the teaching/learning process by not using your time at school for an informal parent-teacher conference. If you have a child in the school and wish to speak to the teacher about their progress, please make other arrangements.

  • If a child is disruptive, do not deal with this yourself, seek assistance from the teacher or principal.

  • Confidentiality - It is the practice of Lower Dauphin School District to provide our employees and students with a level of privacy and confidentiality with any information concerning them. In the course of your work, you may have access to confidential information (oral, written or computer generated, not otherwise available to the public at large) about employees or students, their families and/or personal business. This information must not be discussed verbally or electronically, and is forbidden in any forms of social media.


Last updated on 3/15/2021