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Welcome to LD!

Hello and welcome to Lower Dauphin School District! Our staff of 500 caring, dedicated individuals strives every day to ensure that each of our students achieves their full potential.

Our website is designed to provide you with an in-depth look at our school district, its schools and its programs – whether you are a first-time visitor or a student, parent or community member.

Lower Dauphin has a long-standing tradition of excellence. Our students shine as artists, athletes, citizens, musicians, and as scholars. By design, our district programs provide students with the opportunity to fully explore their potential.

We are justifiably proud of all of our students and their achievements. Our 3,500 students inspire our district staff, and the community at large, every day.

The mission of the district is to provide students with a safe and supportive environment, enabling them to engage in a quality education that empowers them to be successful in their next step in life.

Dr. Robert J. Gildea, Superintendent
Lower Dauphin School District
291 East Main Street
Hummelstown, PA 17036