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Process for Elementary Concerns

If there are concerns about your child’s academic, behavior, or social performance, the following guidelines are typically followed:  


When the school has a concern:

1.   Your child’s teacher will contact you to discuss concerns.

2.   Your child’s teacher and appropriate school staff will create a plan based on these concerns and monitor your child’s progress.

3.   If your child continues to have difficulties, the school team and you will meet to discuss the concerns, interventions and your child’s progress and determine if further evaluation is needed.

When you have a concern:

1.   You should contact your child’s teacher and discuss these concerns.

2.   If you continue to have concerns, please request a meeting with your child’s teacher and additional school staff as appropriate.

3.   If your child continues to have difficulties, the school team and you will meet to discuss the concerns, interventions and your child’s progress and determine if further evaluation is needed.

4.   You may also contact your child's school counselor at any time to discuss your concerns.

When other providers (Doctors, Therapists, etc.) have a concern:

1.   You should contact your child’s teacher and discuss these concerns.

2.   If you continue to have concerns, please request a meeting with your child’s teacher, additional school staff as appropriate, and the service provider.

3.   If your child continues to have difficulties, the school team and you will meet to discuss the concerns, interventions and your child’s progress and determine if further evaluation is needed.

4.   You may also contact your child's school counselor at any time to discuss your concerns.