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School Counselor Services

School Counselor Services
The Lower Dauphin School District provides guidance counselors at each level to provide assistance and counseling for students. For more information about counseling services at your child's specific building, please call the school office directly.
Elementary School Counselors
Elementary school counselors are specialists who help students overcome problems that impede learning and assist them in making plans that hold promise for their personal fulfillment as mature and responsible individuals in society. The counselor possesses a knowledge of the elementary school program which includes the curriculum, the learning process and the school. The school counselor focuses upon the preventive aspects of guidance. The school counselor is concerned with the application of developmental principles in the school through counseling, consultation and coordination.
Middle School School Counselors
Three full-time certified guidance counselors are advocates for the school's student body. With an emphasis on developmental guidance and prevention, our counselors provide individual and group counseling and classroom guidance lessons.
Counselors are responsible for student orientation, scheduling, report cards, administration of standardized tests, and parent consultations. Our counselors also serve on the building Student Assistance Program teams.
High School School Counselors
Each of our four counselors is matched to one class of students for their entire four-year high school career. Our counselors are instrumental in providing students with scheduling assistance, career counseling, college selection advisement, armed services information, financial aid opportunities and personal counseling.

Counselors make a presentation to each class in the fall detailing expectations and important upcoming events. A copy of each presentation is available to parents by contacting their child's counselor.

Counselors are involved with our Student Assistance Program, Career and College Resource Center, and Peer Helper Programs, and lead group counseling programs, such as 'Children of Divorce,' which offer both developmental and self-help opportunities for students.