For the past five years, the district experimented with an online community notice board for our community partners to post flyers and notices of various events and student opportunities.
That system will stay in place should they request it, but the school board voted to retire Policy 707.1 which prohibited flyers from being sent home with students.
The District will approve flyers on Wednesdays only. Distribution will occur no earlier than the following Monday. The requesting organization must drop off the approved flyers at the appropriate schools on the closest business day prior to the Monday on which they want the flyer sent home with students. It is the responsibility of the requesting organization to ensure that the proposed flyer is submitted for review in accordance with the stated timeline.
As stated earlier, should the community organization request it, we will continue to post flyers at, parents/guardians have the option to subscribe to receive email updates via an RSS feed when new notices are posted. When you visit the school page you’re interested in receiving updates from, simply click the RSS feed icon to subscribe.
If you have any questions about the online postings, please contact the school office or the community relations coordinator, at 717-566-5307.