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Absence Reporting & Procedures

Attendance in school is important for students to learn and grow, however, we do not want your student to attend school if they are ill for any reason. 

The school will call using the SchoolMessenger system to advise you that your student is absent as a reminder that an excusal note is required within five (5) days of their return to school. 

You can check your student's attendance at any time during the school day using PowerSchool. 

Information Sheet to Receive Power School Notifications

Informational Video

As a reminder, students who are experiencing symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 (see this chart) should stay home from school. Students who are returning to school after a COVID-19 related absence must report to main office immediately upon return to school to ensure that necessary documentation has been received and/or that required periods of isolation or quarantine have passed

The following procedures are set forth to promote and encourage understanding concerning absences from school:

  • A student must always present an excuse signed by a parent or guardian when returning to school from an absence.
  • Excuses from home should be emailed to the attendance email account (listed below) the day a student returns from the absence. If an excuse is not turned in after five (5) school days, the absence will be declared unexcused.
  • A note from the doctor, dentist, etc., must accompany all requests for early dismissals or one must be shown when the student returns to school.
  • Parents should contact the school office in cases where the student will be out of school longer than a day or two.
  • Students who are absent from school are not permitted to attend any school-sponsored events the day of the absence.

The link below is an online form which can be filled out and emailed directly to your student's attendance office. It can also be printed and sent to school when the student returns to class.

Absence Excuse Form (pdf)

 When the form is completed, email it to the appropriate building.  

Conewago Elementary School --

East Hanover Elementary School --

Londonderry Elementary School --

Nye Elementary School --

South Hanover Elementary School --

Lower Dauphin Middle School --

Lower Dauphin High School --

For students attending the Price School, the form should be emailed to either the middle school or high school depending on the student's grade (6-8 to MS, 9-12 to HS).